Internally displaced men in Kasese District Western Uganda actively participated in making reusable sanitary pads for their wives and children following the adoption of the Men Engage approach by Gender Environment and Development Action Uganda(GEDA-Uganda).

Practical session in progress for the re-usable sanitary pads.

Whereas menstrual hygiene management is always viewed as a women and Girls’ issue, the internally displaced men and boys in Kanyangeya IDP camp in Kasese challenged this narrative by making reusable pads for their women and children during a training organized by GEDA-Uganda.

“My name is Muhindo Rabson commonly known as Kapiriri, I would like to thank GEDA-Uganda for training us in making reusable pads for our women that will improve on menstrual hygiene management and will reduce on our monthly expenditures on sanitary pads. The money saved will be used for other household basic needs……. Our shirts will also be spared since some of our wives have been improvising with pieces of cloth from our shirts due to lack of alternative sanitary pads. With this we will live healthy and peaceful with our wives in the camps”.  

10 Men and boys participated alongside 50 Women and girls that were able to make one complete reusable sanitary pad each by the end of the training bringing the total trained in making of reusable pads to 115 in internally displaced camps in Kasese District. The trained men and boys will be mentored by GEDA-Uganda as role model men and boys in menstrual hygiene management, reproductive health, GBV and VAC mitigation and Response in the IDP camps.

Men engaged in making re-usable sanitary pads during the training.

There is still a huge need for sanitary pads for women and girls of reproductive age in internally Displaced Person’s camps in Kasese District that calls for attention from Government, CSOs, Development partners and well-wishers.    The unmet needs for sanitary pads if not given attention may lead to bad coping mechanisms for women and girls like using any available materials as sanitary pads that may pose a health threat.

During the training, GEDA Uganda also created awareness on menstrual hygiene management and sexual and reproductive health for teenage girls and boys.

In addition, GEDA Uganda is also creating awareness on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC) prevention and response using awareness sessions in camps, radio talk shows, radio drama series on Guide radio-Kasese and is using it,s toll free line (0800100029) for response and referral for GBV, VAC, Sex and reproductive health.

Participants posing for a photo with GEDA staff at the end of the training.

Child marriage is a global problem affecting millions of girls across the world. It is considered a human rights violation because it deprives those involved of education and health services, the chance to learn skills and develop their personalities and leaves them vulnerable. It is an appalling violation of human rights and robs girls of their education, health and long-term prospects.

Uganda is one of the countries with the highest early and forced marriage. 10% of girls are married off before the age of 15 and 40% of girls re married off before their 18th birth day (UNICEF 2011).

Even when Marriage remains one of the celebrated moments and a key millstone among families across Rwenzori region. Sadly, there is no more cause of celebration today because of the high cases of child marriages in the region.

In 2014, Kasese District hit the headlines when a 12-year-old girl was “officially” married off.  Currently, several villages in Kasese are dotted with child mothers.

Sowed, Kitanywa, the Kasese District Senior Probation and Social Welfare Officer, then said the district was grappling with high school dropout rates. He said most girls are persuaded to drop out of school by men into marriage according to Uganda radio network (URN Jan 2020).

Recent statistics in Kasese indicate that for every 94% girl children who attend primary one, only 32% manage to reach primary seven. Three-quarters of the children who start primary education never make it to secondary level.

Kitanywa blames this trend on violence against children in school, parental neglect and lack of cooperation among the community to have guided this trend.

The narrative seems not to have changed either. This was revealed during a radio talk show conducted by GEDA Uganda this week about the causes, dangers and effects of early marriages. It was highlighted by the Officer in Charge (OC) child and family protection unit Kasese that poverty, domestic violence, wars or displacement, peer pressure, negative cultural beliefs, lack of essential needs like sanitary pads are the most causes of early marriages. Adverse effects of this problem has led to child mothers, poverty to their young families, stunted brain development and growth of children produced since they do not have enough and the rightful nutritious foods to feed their children on, family breakages, high infant mortality rate and other health challenges like fistula since these girls bones are not strong enough to push babies. According to statistics from Kasese Police since March 2020, 30 children have since been reported married, 24 defiled and for Isule health center in Maliba sub county, from December 2019 to March 2020 50 girls were attending antenatal care. The new vision of 13th March 2020, Government is worried that about 10 millon children may not go back to school after lockdown both boys and girls. Currently kasese has Maliba, Munkunyu, Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council, Karambi, Hima, Karusandara, Nyakatonzi and Kilembe sub-counties leading in early child marriages.

The magnitude of the problem is big and needs efforts of every duty bearer, parents, civil society organizations, Government to curb this. GEDA Uganda is adding her small contribution to end this vice by mass awareness through radio talk shows, drama series, engaging girls and women in the make of reusable sanitary pads for sustainability purposes and avoiding temptations from the girls and women with bad coping up mechanisms.

It is our responsibility to end child marriages now. It’s time up. Together we can defeat this vice.

GEDA Uganda toll free line 0800100029 is still available to report such cases just in case you have no access to police and other responsible leaders.

In 2018, Uganda made a moderate advancement in efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor. The Ministry of Gender, Labor, and Social Development, in partnership with the Kampala Capital City Authority, removed 283 children from the streets of Kampala and provided them with social services. The government initiated proceedings to harmonize legal provisions on minimum age to align with international standards. It also drafted a National Action Plan on Child Labor, which was approved in February 2019. However, children in Uganda engage in the worst forms of child labor in commercial sexual exploitation, sometimes as a result of human trafficking. Children also perform dangerous tasks in gold mining, carrying heavy luggage among others.

Probation officer, Child and family officer and GEDA Uganda staff in the the studios discussing child labor.

Child Labour denies fundamental human rights such as the right to education, right to rest and leisure and free from the country’s unfair working conditions.

Kasese District either has not been spared in as far as child labor is concerned. This was revealed during the radio talk show by GEDA Uganda on Kasese guide radio. The radio program unpacked child labor with different forms such as child trafficking, slavery, forced labour, sexual exploitation, pornographic performance and many more others.

It was also revealed that some of these acts are brought about by poverty, big family sizes, corruption, civil wars, rural urban migration and primitive traditional cultural practices.

Speaking during the same radio talk show, the police officer in charge of child and family kasese District revealed that atleast one child labor case is reported on a daily basis in Kasese and that Kasese municipality is leading in such cases followed by Hima Town council, Katwe-Kabatooro and Mpondwe-Lhubiriha TC in that order.

The District probation officer Kasese confirmed these reports during the same radio talk show saying that every year Kasese District records about 2500 cases saying they could be more than that adding the unreported cases. Several callers appreciated GEDA Uganda for the timely talk show and confirmed most of these child labor cases.

Previous talk show on the legal aspect of child labor and GBV

This program follows a previous one GEDA Uganda had conducted on the legal aspect of Violence Against Children (VAC) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) that was attended by Mr.Bwalhuma Isaac from the Uganda Christian lawyers Fraternity and the Officer in charge of child and family Kasese.

It is our responsibility to end violence against children, GEDA Uganda still calls upon all development actors in the fight against these vices. Together we can make it. Our toll free line is still open 0800100029 for any child and GBV related cases in your community.

GEDA–Uganda takes Action with internally Displaced women and girls in Kasese- Uganda.

Every year on May 28, Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) is celebrated across the world.  It’s time for Action was the theme for the 2020 MH Day in Uganda. Cognizant of the theme GEDA-Uganda has continued with post MH Day activities amongst the internally displaced persons(IDPs) in Kasese District in   Western Uganda.

GEDA- Uganda has so far trained 65 women and girls of reproductive age in making of reusable pads in Crimson PS camp as a more sustainable approach for menstrual hygiene management for the displaced persons. GEDA will train a total 150 women and girls as TOTs in the camps to train other women and girls in IDPs. The menstrual hygiene day of 2020 was commemorated amidst a double tragedy of Covid-19 pandemic and floods disaster in Kasese District that saw a total of about 500 households displaced and currently living in about 24 IDPs in Kasese District.

There is a huge need for sanitary pads for women and girls of reproductive age in these camps that calls for attention from Government, CSOs, Development partners and well-wishers.

In her remarks Kabugho Alice one of the trainees thanked GEDA Uganda for having trained them to make reusable sanitary pads “I thank GEDA Uganda for having trained us in the use of sanitary pads”

GEDA Staff instructing and helping women to cut the cloth for the exercise

Similarly Kibikwamu Alice appreciated GEDA Uganda “Am grateful to GEDA for the training offered to us that in such a single a day we’re able to learn all this, continue training even in other bigger things, GOD bless you”

The unmet needs for sanitary pads if not given attention may lead to bad coping mechanisms for women and girls like using any available materials as sanitary pads that may pose a health threat.

During the training, GEDA Uganda created awareness on menstrual hygiene management, sexual and reproductive health management.

Trainees posing with their finished products after the training. Extreme right is GEDA’s Margret Kidima

In addition GEDA Uganda is also creating awareness on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Violence Against Children (VAC) prevention and response using awareness sessions in camps, radio talk shows, radio drama series on Guide radio-Kasese. GEDA Uganda is using it’s toll free line (0800100029) for response and referral for GBV, VAC and reproductive health.

Voices from trainees.

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Gender Environment and Development Action (GEDA –Uganda) has been asked to embrace partnerships for joint action against VAC and GBV. This message was delivered by Kasese District stakeholders at a scientific breakfast inception meeting organized by GEDA-Uganda to introduce the project titled; creating mass awareness to mitigate and respond to VAC and GBV during COVID-19 lock down in Kasese District with funding from Fr Roose Fund. The inception meeting attended by the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), the District Education Officer (DEO), Police in charge of Child and Family, GEDA-Uganda Board chairperson, the principal Community Development Officer – Kasese Municipality, UGANET, Rwenzori Women Forum, the District Probation Officer, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) among others made a strong appeal to GEDA_ Uganda to explore innovative approaches to mitigate and respond to Violence Against Children(VAC) and Gender Based violence(GBV).

This appeal comes at a time when Kasese and Uganda as a whole is experiencing a rise in VAC and GBV cases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kasese District has one of highest child marriages in Uganda and the district has the youngest mother in the country at 11 years. VAC and GBV are notorious virus that require unique appraoch to achieve desired change in Kasese District; said the District Education Officer- Kasese District.  He noted that the partnership between GEDA-Uganda and Rwenzori women forum was key in the fight against VAC in Kasese District and Karangura Sub-county in Kabarole since the early marriage vice seemed common amongst the Bakonzo in the mountainous areas. Annet Kobusinge from UGANET  asked GEDA to involve the cultural institutions in its work to fight the negative traditional practices of marrying off young girls below 18 years of age in Kasese and pledged cooperation with GEDA in the implementation of the project activities since UGANET had similar activities.


The participants also noted with concern that men and boys have been left out in GBV programming and interventions yet they are equally affected.  In response Rev.Fr Dr. Paddy, the board chairperson GEDA- Uganda assured the participants that GEDA-Uganda was an action oriented and dynamic organization committed to delivering a holistic approach to mitigate and respond to Violence against Children, Women and girls, boys and men.

During the inception meeting GEDA-Uganda made presentation about the objectives of the project, the targeted beneficiaries, the plan activities and budget. The participants applauded GEDA- Uganda for organizing the inception meeting and pledged their commitment and support in the implementation of the project.

From the inception meeting actions were agreed upon and key among them were; integration of messages on mitigation and response to VAC in the teaching programs on radio during COVID-19 lock down for schools. GEDA was to follow up with the District Education officer. Jointly advocate for the integration of VAC and GBV mitigation and response in the work plans for the COVID- 19 task force and district disaster committee. In addition, Link with other partners to strengthen the existing referral path way and engage cultural and religious leaders in the fight against early marriages vice in Kasese District.

On this 20th day of June 2020, Gender- Environment and Development Action Uganda (GEDA-Uganda) would like to join the rest of the World to commemorate the World Refugee Day under the theme “Every Action counts,everyone can make a difference”. According to UNHCR  (May 2020) Uganda is hosting  1,424,373 refugees  51.7% females, 58.8% below 18 years and 2.5% elderly 60+ years. This World refugee day comes amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and as the world and cities went into lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus, the mass efforts to save lives have put one vulnerable group more at risk. Development and humanitarian programs that support women, girls and other vulnerable groups have been disrupted, although their needs may have amplified.

Refugees in Uganda have since April 2020 received 30% cut in food assistance due to limited funding to the great lakes region. This is likely to force households to engage in negative coping mechanisms, such as consuming less food. Where women eat last and least, this may lead to additional Maternal, Infant and child malnutrition amongst the refugees.

In addition, Women and girls’ needs for protection services—including gender-based violence (GBV) and intimate partner violence (IPV) may have increased due to the COVID-19 lock down yet GBV is still rampant amongst refugees with women, girls and PSNs being most at risk, pressure for households to meet the basic needs during and post COVID-19 lock period with no or limited alternative livelihood options is likely to escalate Gender-Based Violence. A protection needs assessment conducted by APEAL consortium in January 2020 revealed that vulnerable refugees rely on negative coping mechanisms with most reported in Kyaka II refugee settlement in Uganda being exploitative casual labour reported by 63.5% of respondents; sale of food and NFI assistance (57.9%), Begging (56.7%), Child labour (49%) and Seek out for intimate/love relationship (24%).

Therefore, GEDA- Uganda would like to appeal to individuals, Organisations, UN agencies and the international community to Step up action for the plight of the refugees amidst the glaring effects of COVID-19 pandemic.  Together we can make a difference in the lives of millions of refugees world over.


Since the May 2020 floods in Kasese District that saw major rivers burst their banks destroying property worth millions of shillings, several displaced persons have remained in camps that were established at different schools premises by the District Authorities.

Several households in Maliba, Kilembe, Kitholhu, Kyarumba sub counties, Nyamwamba Division and other areas of the District were most affected as they saw their houses, property, being washed away by the rivers that broke their banks. Since then most of these households have been surviving on donations from different compassionate organisations that have managed to deliver food stuffs, tauplines, clothings among others.

The floods came amidst the Covid-19 pandemic lockdown in the country causing a double tragedy to the people of Kasese District.

During this period, there has also been a big cry and call especially among the women and girls of reproductive age that have found it hard accessing sanitary pads during their menstrual period times. This is one of the health concerns across all the IDP camps in the District.

Gender-Environment and Development Action yesterday afternoon joined the cause and delivered some boxes of sanitary pads to the IDPs in Kanyangeya parish. Gender sensitivity is one of our core areas of intervention. Speaking to the leaders and citizens in the IDP Margret Kidima the Director humanitarian, protection and emergency GEDA Uganda consoled the floods victims and gave them a ray of hope that GEDA Uganda was going to start training the women in the making of re-usable sanitary pads for sustainability purposes. The training is going to target 30 women and young girls who will be given start up kits after the training to be TOTs to the rest of the women in the IDP camp.

Margret Handing over the sanitary pads to the women in Kanyangeya.

The women in the Kanyangeya IDP showed their appreciation to GEDA Uganda for the provision of sanitary pads and promised to cooperate during the trainings in the make of reusable sanitary pads.

As Gender-Environment and Development Action we continue to preach the gospel of gender equity and equality and GBV prevention and promise to continue working with different stakeholders to combat gender based violence and Violence Against Children (VAC).

The roles of Ugandan women have been taken to be subordinate to those of men, despite the substantial economic and social responsibilities of women in Uganda’s many traditional societies. Women are taught to accede to the wishes of their fathers, brothers, husbands, and sometimes other men as well, and to demonstrate their subordination to men in most areas of public life.

Even in the 1980s, women in rural areas of Buganda were expected to kneel when speaking to a man. At the same time, however, women shouldered the primary responsibilities for childcare and subsistence cultivation, and in the twenty first century, women have made substantial contributions to cash-crop agriculture.

Much as the government and other development partners have had strides to preach and advocate for equality, there has been some adherence amidst some setbacks.

This is no difference in the Rwenzori region where women still have the sole role of kitchen work, looking after children, farming, collecting fire wood, water to mention but a few, where as their male counter parts have to sit at the nearest trading centers, produce and sometimes provide for the family.

This was witnessed during the recent catastrophe of floods that hit Kasese, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko Districts on the night of May 7th 2020 that saw several properties worth billions of money lost especially in Kasese District where about 5 main rivers burst their banks due to flooding.

Women crossing Kithakena river in Maliba running for their lives on an improvised bridge after the recently constructed one was swept away.

During a risk assessment conducted on 9th by our staff several touching stories from different affected women revealed their plight.

In Maliba sub county Kasese District it was evident that women were at the fore front of the floods fight as they were seen carrying property, firewood and other belongings.

An interview in the same place with Kabugho Sedress, 42 whose whole plantation was swept away revealed her plight. Kabugho is a widow and a mother of 7 children with only 4 still alive and she has to take care of their needs everyday as the only sole parent.

“I saw Kabugho fall in the river with firewood on her back, thank God she was saved but her firewood was swept away”, said our staff and eye witness in the field.

In Kakindo Village Maliba sub county 91 out of 120 households with a population of 1005 are affected by the floods.

Moving to Kasese municipality, it was the same story as it was in Maliba, women were seen in River Nyamwamba in Kilembe fetching firewood from the logs of trees that were pushed downstream by the floods. Just imagine that vulnerability just in case the water built afresh and found them in the river.

Women collecting firewood in Nyamwamba river.

It is evident that women still face and feel the pinch of these catastrophes compared to their male counter parts.

This has also come amidst the covid-19 lock down in Uganda where domestic violence has also increased still affecting women that have been battered.

As GEDA Uganda we have continued to engage and do referrals for GBV victims and our nutritional and kitchen gardening program has continued to bring hope to the faces of the women amidst the lockdown and now floods through the small start up kitchen gardening fund.

                                        Kabugho being interviewed by Medius our staff.

As Gender Environment and Development Action, we have continued to Promote gender equity and equality, prevent and respond to violence against women and girls; boys and men. Through Men engage as our other area of our expertise; We are looking forward to an environment and world where all people are equal and free from discrimination – in which gender justice and human rights are pro.

We are also urging the Government to include GBV as a component as they offer relief during these hard times of Covid-19 and now floods in the Rwenzori region.


A repeat of the tragedy that happened in May 2013 has ravaged Kasese District and Bundibugyo Districts last night. The floods that started shortly after some rains last night started with Kilembe mines hospital loosing her buildings.

The situation turned worst when rivers Nyamwamba running from Kilembe through Kasese town, Nyamugasani in Bukonzo East of the District, Mubuku in Busongora North and other streams burst their banks and spilled water into the nearby communities with rolling stones due to the bursting rivers.

River Lamia in Bundibugyo District at the boarder of Uganda-DRC also burst its banks to destroy the neighbouring areas. Ntoroko District was also not spared.

The heavy rains in the region saw a number of rivers in the three districts burst their banks due to flooding.

In Kasese District the bursting of the above rivers has affected several parts including Kilembe, Basecamp, Parts of Nyamwamba Division-Saluti A&B, Kanyangeya, Kizungu, Kisagazi, Nyakasanga, Kyarumba in Bukonzo East, Bugoye, Karusandaara, Maliba-Kyanya In Busongora north among others.

In Bundibugyo a number of areas affected include Lamiya I,II and Central, Mulungitanwa I,II, and III, Katoke, Kisenyi, Kitumba,Busunga among others.

Residents of Kilembe in Kasese Municipality stranded after roads were blocked by the floods.

The floods come amidst the covid-19 lock down in Uganda and many other countries. This becomes a double tragedy for the people of Kasese, Bundibugyo and Ntoroko Districts.

Households in the most affected areas have remained homeless and as GEDA Uganda mothers, children and girls remaining highly vulnerable is our concern. We commit to our Gender agenda to assist in any ways possible especially the vulnerable groups. Our team is on ground to do the vulnerability assessment that will inform our next steps as quickly as possible.

Destroyed crops by floods on the slopes of Mt.Rwenzori-Kasese District

We continue to urge the Districts’ disaster preparedness committees to integrate the issue of gender in their programming during this trying moment for the region.

Houses immersed in water in Kasese town.

The deadly pandemic hit the world late last year in china and has since then moved all over to the whole world. Uganda registered her first case of covid 19 on 21st March 2020 and since then the cases have up to date raised to 55.

There has been though a great management in Uganda that has led to now 28 recoveries of the patients.

Due to the numerous measures especially the lock down GEDA Uganda also closed her physical office and currently staff work from home online.

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GEDA Uganda has since been doing a lot of information dissemination through radio programs, running radio messages/jingles in the local languages on the local radio stations, social media to sensitise the communities where they work about covid 19 and the preventive measures.

These have been appreciated by several communities listening in to these programs.

GEDA Uganda is in arrangement currently to do more information dissemination especially on Gender based violence related cases since these have reportedly increased during these days of lock down. As GEDA-Uganda this is one of the core mandates to tackle.

GEDA Uganda hopes to also engage the local community mega phones for information dissemination. These are owned in the communities and highly listened to for information dissemination.

We also continue to encourage everyone to stay home, wash hands regularly, keep social distancing and avoid touching the soft parts (mouth, eyes and nose)

Together the virus will be defeated.