Today the 7th June 2022,GEDA joins the entire globe in commemoration of the World Food Safety Day (WFSD).
As GEDA, we promote food security and Nutrition for all however we are cognisant that there is no food security and nutrition without food safety.

We implore all food handlers including producers, processors,transporters,marketers,food vendors and consumers to ensure that food for human consumption is safe at all levels of handling to improve their lives.

Unsafe food is a very huge risk factor to increases food borne illness(diarrhea,cholera, Typhoid, dysentery etc).reproductive challenges like (miscarriages,still births,impotence among others),intestinal problems,Some non communicable Diseases like cancers (Liver,kidney, colorectal cancer etc).All these health concerns will increase the risk of death if not treated.

On the other hand unsafe food doesn’t only affect the health sector but also the economy and trade in such a way that unsafe food has always been banned from the export market leading to loss of huge incomes,high cost of health care which in a way contributes to risk of poverty.
Food contaminants are numerous that range from biological(Viruses, bacteria,mold among others) they can also be physical( sand,stones,hair, beads,nails, debris,metal fillings among others) others can be chemicals such as heavy metals,formalin, Aflatoxins etc) all these make food unsafe for human life.

Therefore we call upon all people to handle food with care and ensure it is produced,transported,stored,marketed,supplied,cooked and eaten safely.

May this WFSD be a reflection of the contribution you have towards improving the quality of food towards food safety so as to improve health of the population.

Happy WFSD