Gender Environment and Development Action (GEDA –Uganda) has been asked to embrace partnerships for joint action against VAC and GBV. This message was delivered by Kasese District stakeholders at a scientific breakfast inception meeting organized by GEDA-Uganda to introduce the project titled; creating mass awareness to mitigate and respond to VAC and GBV during COVID-19 lock down in Kasese District with funding from Fr Roose Fund. The inception meeting attended by the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), the District Education Officer (DEO), Police in charge of Child and Family, GEDA-Uganda Board chairperson, the principal Community Development Officer – Kasese Municipality, UGANET, Rwenzori Women Forum, the District Probation Officer, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) among others made a strong appeal to GEDA_ Uganda to explore innovative approaches to mitigate and respond to Violence Against Children(VAC) and Gender Based violence(GBV).
This appeal comes at a time when Kasese and Uganda as a whole is experiencing a rise in VAC and GBV cases due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kasese District has one of highest child marriages in Uganda and the district has the youngest mother in the country at 11 years. VAC and GBV are notorious virus that require unique appraoch to achieve desired change in Kasese District; said the District Education Officer- Kasese District. He noted that the partnership between GEDA-Uganda and Rwenzori women forum was key in the fight against VAC in Kasese District and Karangura Sub-county in Kabarole since the early marriage vice seemed common amongst the Bakonzo in the mountainous areas. Annet Kobusinge from UGANET asked GEDA to involve the cultural institutions in its work to fight the negative traditional practices of marrying off young girls below 18 years of age in Kasese and pledged cooperation with GEDA in the implementation of the project activities since UGANET had similar activities.
The participants also noted with concern that men and boys have been left out in GBV programming and interventions yet they are equally affected. In response Rev.Fr Dr. Paddy, the board chairperson GEDA- Uganda assured the participants that GEDA-Uganda was an action oriented and dynamic organization committed to delivering a holistic approach to mitigate and respond to Violence against Children, Women and girls, boys and men.
During the inception meeting GEDA-Uganda made presentation about the objectives of the project, the targeted beneficiaries, the plan activities and budget. The participants applauded GEDA- Uganda for organizing the inception meeting and pledged their commitment and support in the implementation of the project.
From the inception meeting actions were agreed upon and key among them were; integration of messages on mitigation and response to VAC in the teaching programs on radio during COVID-19 lock down for schools. GEDA was to follow up with the District Education officer. Jointly advocate for the integration of VAC and GBV mitigation and response in the work plans for the COVID- 19 task force and district disaster committee. In addition, Link with other partners to strengthen the existing referral path way and engage cultural and religious leaders in the fight against early marriages vice in Kasese District.